Welcome to the online home of Trapped Chest.

Check out the blog for information on existing and upcoming games and a download section for game resources, free print and play versions on our games and free micro games.

New Release

The Nullam Project and Reanimated are now available in print from Compose Dream Games and Compose Dream Games UK, for direct sale to customers and as wholesale to stores.

Convention News

With Game-itoba behind us and the UK Games Expo not being viable this year, We are looking forward to the many other conventions that Trapped Chest will be attending this year. Check the list below to see if any of them work into your schedule, and maybe come by and check it out.

  • KeyCon – Winnipeg, MB – May 16-18
  • PrairieCon – Brandon, MB – May 23-25
  • Ai-Kon – Winnipeg, MB – July 12-14
  • ComicCon – Winnipeg, MB – October 24-26

There are a few in Winnipeg that are only 1 day events, which we won’t be able to attend, due to it being a 4 hour drive (from Dauphin, MB), but if any convention goers or organizers feel that has been missed something, let us know and we will look into attending.

2019 - Present | Trapped Chest