
Combat is done in standard 6 second rounds.

On your turn you will be able to perform a move action, a standard action and a free action.


Initiative will be rolled at the beginning of every round and means that everyone rolls 2d8 and adds their dexterity.

Initiative starts with the highest number and works down, with players taking priority on ties with NPCs or monsters.

Note: The GM may choose to use a single initiative roll at the start of combat instead of every round to speed up the pace of combat.


On your turn you get a single move action.

Normally you can move 30 feet or 10 meters, but you can also use your standard action to take a second move action.

Standard Action

In addition to moving, you also get a single standard action.

Often a standard action will be used for attacking, but it can also be used for anything that requires a few seconds to do, like offering first aid or picking something off the ground.

Note: An attack of opportunity is not a standard action. It’s free.

Free Action

Finally, you get a single free action every turn.

A free action is for something simple that can be done in a moment.

Attack & Defense

To attack choose a target and roll either melee or shoot depending on the weapon and the defender will roll either block or dodge.

If the attack roll is equal or higher then the defense roll the attack hits and damage is rolled.

Note: You can’t block guns, magic, psionics and some super powers, unless you have an ability or equipment that allows it.


Ranged weapons can fire at one range above listed with a fault.

  • Short is up to 30ft/10m.
  • Mid is up to 60ft/20m.
  • Long is up to 120ft/40m.


To calculate damage roll 3d8.

If the weapon has low damage it is equal to the lowest die, the middle die for mid damage and the highest die for high damage.

If the defender has armor it offers a flat damage reduction.

Note: Unarmed attacks have low damage.

Critical Hits

If the attacker gets the same number on 2 dice and the attack hits it is a critical hit and does double damage.

Opportunity Attacks

If a character attempts to move out of melee range they trigger an attack of opportunity and their opponent can take a free attack out of initiative order.

The attack of opportunity is also triggered if someone attempts to fire a ranged weapon while in melee.

This attack can be avoided by only moving 5 feet or 2 meters away in a single action.

Note: each character may only make 1 attack of opportunity each round.


Being at 0 hit points means you fall unconscious.

At the start of each round if you are below 0 hit points roll 1d8.

If your roll is equal to or lower then the number you are into the negative, you lose 1 hit point.

Characters will die at -8 hit points unless they receive first aid which puts them back to 0 hit points.

2019 - Present | Trapped Chest