Journey to Arcadia. A distant world, home to strange and dangerous creatures, beautiful vistas and two warring species.

The Nullam Project is the debut game for the Key Powered System. A rules light, d8 based system which allows one shots and even campaign play. The game is set in the distant future when humanity has arrived at an alien planet in a generation ship only to find that intelligent life was already there.

Humanity has taken residence in hollowed out asteroids, which they have dubbed “The Elysium Colony” and must now contend with the dangers of Arcadia and the politics of it’s people.

The print version can be purchased by asking at your friendly local game store and the digital version is available through several online retailers.

Links to online stores and resources can be found below.

Print Version: Compose Dream Games / Compose Dream UK

Digital Version: DriveThruRPG /

Character Sheets: Large / Small

Pre-generated Characters: Download

AI Tools PDF: Download


Rasker’s Hive: Some science is best left alone. When valgrin biologist, Dr. Rasker Iviks goes missing, one of his colleagues asks the crew to investigate, and what they find will haunt their dreams long after the mission is over. Download this free one shot mission on or DriveThruRPG

Reviews & Spotlights

2019 - Present | Trapped Chest