The links on this page are part of the System Resource Document or SRD for the Key Powered System, published by Trapped Chest. The purpose of this SRD is to offer a tool for developers and publishers who wish to use the Key Powered System to create their own games. What you will find here is a heavily stripped down version of the Key Powered System, used in games like The Nullam Project.

LEGAL STUFF: Permission is hereby given to use text within the Key Powered System SRD verbatim for personal and commercial products without royalties. If any text is used verbatim you must use the “Key Powered System” logo somewhere on your product and make a declaration within your product that it is using the Key Powered System by Trapped Chest. If your product does not make use of any visual elements, you may forgo the use of the “Key Powered System” logo and use only the declaration.

Key Powered System SRD

2019 - Present | Trapped Chest