Character Creation

Rather then rolling for stats, the Key Powered System offers players a set amount of stat points, and skills that can be assigned as they wish.


Players must choose a race for their character. Different races may have unique abilities and may impact how the character is treated by NPCs within the world.

Note: Not all settings need race options. Outside of fantasy it is not uncommon for humans to be the only race and offer no additional bonuses.


Players must choose a class for their character. Classes bring extra abilities to the table and may impact how derivative stats work.


All stats have a base value of 0. You gain pool of 6 stat points which may be assigned in any way you wish with one exception. No stat may start higher then 4.

Additionally, you may set a single stat to a value of -1 to gain an additional stat point to assign.

Hit Points

Characters start at 10 hit points.

You then gain or lose hit points equal to twice your strength to get your total hit points.

Meta Points / Mana

These will be used in universes with have supernatural elements such as magic or psionics.

You gain a number of meta points or mana equal to your mental.


Most rolls are tied to skills, which means that when you make a roll you will add the skill bonus to it.

Each stat gives you an equal number of skill points (ignore negative stats), which must be spent on skills tied to that stat.

You also gain 2 free skill points that can be placed anywhere.

Note: Starting characters can’t have more then 2 points per skill.

2019 - Present | Trapped Chest