Dice Mechanics

The Key Powered System makes use of a simple 2d8 dice mechanic.

When a roll is required you will roll two 8 sided dice, add their total together, then add the relevant stat, skill and any other bonuses to get a final number.

After adding all the numbers together, if you are equal to or higher then the target number, you succeed.

Edge and Fault

If you are in a situation where you would have an advantage you gain an edge, which means that instead of rolling normally, you would roll 3d8 and use the higher two dice.

This works in both directions.

If you would be at a disadvantage you have a fault and would then roll 3d8 and take the lower two.

Edge and fault negate each other.

Core Stats

There are 3 stats that every character and creature will have.

  • Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Mental
2019 - Present | Trapped Chest